good spell


good spell〜希望の声〜


ゴスペルの正式名称は"good spell"

ゴスペルは絶対に希望を歌っている。 黒人たちは奴隷時代、白人が教会で聖書を読んでいるのをバレないようこっそり真似していた。黒人は 当時言葉が話せなかった為何を読んでるか理解は出来なかった。言葉に望みを感じて来世は幸せに暮ら せますようにと祈りながら聖書を読んでいた。だが、奴隷解放され自由になった。風当たりは変わらず 奴隷時代と変わらない日々だが変わったことは黒人教会を作って大きな声で聖書を読むことが出来るよ うになったことと言葉がわかる様になったことだった。日曜日、黒人たちは教会に集まって黒人牧師さ んが覚えたての言葉を読んでいる最中熱くなって叫ぶように言葉を読むとコールアンドレスポンスで皆 んなが応えて気がついたら手や足が動いてオルガンがなって歌になった。こうしてゴスペルは誕生した。

ゴスペルの歴史からインスピレーションを受け制作が始まった企画"good spell"のテーマは"サウンドポエム"。


The official name of gospel is "good spell" Gospel absolutely sings hope. In slavery, blacks were sneaky in imitating white people reading the Bible in church. Black people couldn't understand what they were reading because they couldn't speak the words at the time. I was reading the Bible while praying that I could live happily in the next world with the hope of words. However, the slave was released and freed. The wind hasn't changed, but the days haven't changed from the days of slavery, but what has changed is that I can understand the words that I can now read the Bible in a loud voice by building a black church. On Sunday, blacks gathered in church to read the words that black pastors had just remembered, and when they read the words as they scream and get hot, everyone responds with call and response, and when they notice it, their hands and feet. Moved and the organ became a song. Thus Gospel was born. And the other thing that changed was that I started singing hopes for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, not in the afterlife.

The theme of the project "good spell", which started with the inspiration from the history of gospel, is "Sound Poem". This is a project for 2020 only, with each song being composed by composer Miwa Akasaka, with the help of creators who value sensitivity.

© 2020 good spell project by Miwa Akasaka
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